Black student discovers a breakthrough for colon cancer cure

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BREAKTHROUGH: Keven Stonewall

KEVEN STONEWALL has made history, after discovering a critical age-related drawback in an experimental vaccine aimed at preventing colon cancer in mice.

The experiment, which took place at Rush University, helped scientists realise that they needed a special vaccine for older subjects, according to his lab director Carl Ruby.

Keven’s research earned him numerous awards, and he was a finalist for the Intel International Science and Engineer Fair in 2013. The results of his research were even presented at the national meeting for the Society for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer in Washington, D.C., and credit was given to Keven for his lead in the research.

Colon cancer is the third most common cancer among African American men and women, according to The Cancer Prevention Foundation, and this disease hit close to home with Keven during his freshman year at the Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences, when one of his close friends had an uncle who died from colon cancer.

Keven is now a sophomore and biomedical engineering major at the University of Wisconsin Madison where he continues his colon cancer research. He is passionate about finding a cure. He recently said, “I am very passionate about doing colon cancer research,” Keven said. “If it works on humans, I would be overwhelmed.”


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Author: Chief Editor

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In : Health, London

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