Whitney Houston is back in rehab

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Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston

 The Million Dollar Bill singer, who has a history of addiction problems, has entered an outpatients programme.  A spokesman confirmed: “Whitney Houston is currently in an out-patient rehab program for drug and alcohol treatment.  “Whitney voluntarily entered the program to support her long-standing recovery process.”

 The 47-year-old has battled with a drug and alcohol problem since her marriage to BOBBY BROWN, which ended in 2006. She first entered rehab in 2004, when she admitted: “I partied a lot. Trust me: I partied my tail off.” And she added: “You get to a point where you know the party’s over.”

Her latest call for help comes as Whitney prepares to reboot her movie career. This week ANGELA BASSETT revealed the pair were working on a sequel to the 1995 film Waiting To Exhale. It would be the singer’s first screen role since she starred opposite DENZEL WASHINGTON in The Preacher’s Wife in 1996.

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