Green paraffin de-waxing technology enters Nigerian oil fields market

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FloWell, paraffin wax and Asphaltene remediation technology has just been introduced into Nigeria oilfield market. PetroDynamic Energy Services Nigeria Limited, a wholly Nigerian-owned company has partnered exclusively with Vendini Incorporated of Belize to give advice, market and provide paraffin wax remediation services in Nigeria. The product is a 100 percent non-toxic, non-flammable, non-hazardous, no flash point and it is environmentally friendly. It can be safely washed down the drain if a spill occurs and is totally safe to human. FloWell does not affect the quality of crude or its end products. When mixed with adequate amounts of good oil/diesel oil and agitated, breaks down paraffin causing it to return to the crude oil solution where it remains in solution until refining takes place. Furthermore, some other major added values/benefits of FloWell application are:

Aids in the complete recovery of crude sludge back into a pump-able and highly valuable product from tanks and pits, dissolve wax/asphaltene/gums/resins/Scales e.t.c., Drastically increases crude productivity in wells, production tubing and in pipelines up to about 30 percent whilst solubilising waxes indefinitely without heating; Improves production by drastically reducing crude oil viscosity by up to 80%; In water conning wells: It takes 6 to 8 hours to treat the reservoir and reduces the produced water rate downhole in treated wells meaning more oil to surface equals more revenue; Helps to separate water in oil product (through phase separation),wellbore, downhole, flowline, pipeline and assists in aiding the use of emulsion inhibitor because of its inbuilt emulsion inhibitor; Helps prevent corrosion in wells, flowline and pipelines; When bullheaded into the reservoir, helps to remove skin (filter/mud cakes) unlike acid job does not affect the quality of crude oil. For well stimulation exercise, FloWell can be circulated first and leave to soak and clean producing formation without the need for using harsh chemicals like ACIDanymore; Reduces BS&W, improves dewatering & degasing, and improves all above ground handling, transport & storage; Creates a higher saleable feedstock quality by eliminating or reducing the need for numerous chemical that are harmful, flammable and/or toxic; In a coil tubing intervention job, FloWell treated oil could be jetted across the formation.

Ultimately the problem of dealing with wax is costing operators millions of dollars worth of losses of oil unproduced and remedial efforts. And it is not just this region that has wax problems less than half of all oil producers are endowed with wax-free oil, others are not so lucky.

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In : Technology

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