FG launches renewable energy initiative

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The Federal Government has promised to bolster the power sector with natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat.

The government insists that it is all out to strengthen the power sector to efficiently deliver adequate, qualitative, reliable and affordable power in a deregulated market.

President Goodluck Jonathan, represented by Vice President Namadi Sambo made the remark yesterday at the launch of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) an initiative of the United Nations Development Organisation (UNIDO) in Abuja.

He noted that the programme “aims at assisting Nigeria to redefine its energy plans and programmes to provide access to affordable, clean and reliable modern energy services to all citizens.”

Sambo said Nigeria was “fully committed to achieving our set targets in less than a decade. All tiers of government are being mobilized to play their roles in ensuring that Nigeria achieves its targets.”

The United Nations had in September 2011 launched the initiative to accelerate the attainment of the overall objectives of the declaration of 2012 as International Year for Sustainable Energy for All.

“This determined response to the challenges of energy poverty in the world requires  stakeholders to take concrete measures towards achieving universal access to modern energy services. It also requires the doubling of both the share of renewable energy in the global mix, and the global rate of energy efficiency. These three critical interlinked objectives are all to be achieved by 2030,” the President observed.

He added that, “Our administration is highly committed to strengthening the power sector so that it can efficiently deliver adequate, qualitative, reliable and affordable power in a deregulated market. The road map for the reform of the power sector, launched two years ago, brings into practical effect the 2005 Electric Power Sector Reform Act.”

Jonathan further noted the fact that hydro power generation sources are being exploited. “Only yesterday we had our initial meeting with the consultants and contractors for the construction of the large Mambila Hydro-power plant that will produce 3050MW.

This point was emphasized by the Director-General of UNIDO, Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, who stressed that Nigeria was on a path to achieving the goal of sustainable energy a decade ahead of the target.

He noted that, “As a country with vast oil and gas reserves, abundant sunlight and significant hydro power potential, Nigeria should not be suffering energy crisis. Over the years, the challenge has been in formulating a consistent energy policy.

“However, going by the discussions we have had with officials of the Nigerian government, and the vision we see that the administration has already put in place, we are confident that the country is on a viable road to meeting the targets as set by the United Nations towards sustainable energy for all.”

The UNIDO boss stressed that the initiative has created a momentum for a specific path to be pursued to concrete action to address energy poverty. “The obstacles to energy access are well known. These barriers, while complex, can be overcome and international cooperation can help this process.”


In : Energy

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