Nigeria woos Chinese investors

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The Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) in Abuja on Monday said its recent trade mission to China was to woo Chinese investors.

Gana Wakil, the Deputy Director, Department of Investment Promotion, disclosed this while speaking on the 10th Edition of the Nigeria-China Business and Investment Forum.

Wakil said that the trip was to market Nigerian products and investment opportunities in Nigeria.

“We tried to make them understand that Nigeria is not as bad as been presented in some international media.

“We did let them know the business climate in Nigeria is conducive,” the deputy director said.

She said that the team visited construction companies, agricultural and science demonstration zone, equipment manufacturing companies, oil and gas firms and a glass company.

Wakil said that all the firms visited indicated interests in investing in Nigeria and consequently got invitation to come and explore investment opportunities in Nigeria.

The deputy director said that the delegation held several meetings with their Chinese counterpart and showcased Nigeria’s investment profile.

She said, “The presentations generated a lot of interests and several inquiries on doing business in Nigeria amongst the Chinese participants at the event.

“Questions were asked while clarifications were sought in mining sector, tapioca/cassava, oil and gas, among other areas.

“The commission, while offering to follow up on leads generated at the event, extended invitations to the Chinese local authorities and the companies.”

She said that, as a follow up, NIPC is looking forward to visits to Nigeria by a delegation of Chinese businessmen.

She noted that exploration requests had been coming from China since the delegation returned, especially in the power sector.

According to her, Nigeria has a lot to learn from China as the global business hub of the world which should be attracted by improvement in infrastructure.

Nigeria is China’s second biggest trading partner in Africa.

More than 30 Chinese companies operate in various sectors of the economy, including building of Free Trade Zones, infrastructure, information and communication technology.

In : Business

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