Partnering with the International Association of Athletic Federations

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Nigeria and the IAAF Partnership

Participants cheer on their friends at the International Inspiration launch event in Nigeria

‘What is International Inspiration about for me? Self-motivation. I’m taking the spirit of friendship and the inspiration I’ve gained from here, as well as self-responsibility and leadership.’ Stephen, Nigeria

Changing lives

International Inspiration aims to help more children and young people take part in high-quality physical education (PE) sport and play in Nigeria. The programme is helping support new policies that promote sport, with a focus on equality and inclusion. The goal is also to deter young people from anti-social behavior and help integrate marginalised children into society, so that they can enjoy their right to play and achieve their full potential. 

Linking with the UK
  • In June 2009, 12 Nigerian policy makers, including representatives from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Nigerian Olympic Committee (NOC), travelled to the UK for a study visit, visiting specialist sports colleges.
  • Two young leaders from Nigeria who attended the UK School Games in Cardiff massively enhanced their already impressive leadership skills, as well as officiating at volleyball and athletics events.
  • As part of the school links programme, teachers from 28 schools in Nigeria and the UK made reciprocal school visits.
Partnering with the International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF)

Thanks to a global partnership with the IAAF, International Inspiration is planning to pilot athletics programmes for children in schools in the Lagos area in 2011. This initiative will enable primary and secondary school children to access the sport, as well as learning about healthy lifestyles and having fun.


Chief Editor
Author: Chief Editor

Nigerian Community,News, Events and more

In : Notices, Sports

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