Together, a great nation

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It goes without saying that our nation, Nigeria is abundantly blessed, a land flowing with milk and honey. We are so blessed that if our natural resources were equally distributed, they can adequately nourish everyone, all millions and millions of us. However, it is becoming more and more glaring to even the untrained eyes that the selfishness, greed and avaricious inclination of Nigerians, especially those who, over the years, held the reins of the nation have deprived countless citizens from partaking of the good of the land. These people cared for none other but themselves. They have plucked the fruits that could end the nation at the bus stop called extinction.

Yet, not only are the past helmsmen guilty, even in the present governance there are several anomalies staging their appearances. One wonders how critical issues such as budget padding will not affect the nation’s overall economic performance.

In our country, cows no longer chew their cud. We are now chewing our own cud. Our foods are being contaminated and our water is no longer safe for drinking. The future generation is already misguided. Youth are taking the law into their hands, bearing arms and ammunition, throwing grenades to destroy nature, property and lives of innocent citizens. These actions have done nothing to yield the desired results but rather worsened the situation. Over and over, our actions have shown us as unwise, our thoughtfulness as thoughtlessness; we allow our brawn to have the better of us, rather than our brain. We talk so much yet do very little.

It was former American President, Abraham Lincoln, who once said, “I will study and prepare myself and someday my chance will come.” Are we preparing ourselves to take the mantle of greatness? While advanced countries are engrossed in technological and scientific breakthroughs every day, developing high-tech giant corporations such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, among others, we are still engrossed in voodoo and using religion as cover up for lawlessness. It is time to awaken the sleeping giants in us and lay the foundation for greatness. Let us dwarf the differences of opinions and tribal sentiments, thereby banishing the ghost of backwardness.

We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to these abnormalities like the proverbial ostrich that buries her head in the sand and do nothing while our nation rots into oblivion?

No! This is the time to rise. Yet, in our land, those with vast knowledge merely have vague, nebulous ideas as regards immediate solutions to reviving the economy. More than ever before, we need our collective intelligence, morality and selflessness. Devoid of these values, life will be intense and brutal and, undoubtedly, our posterity will suffer.

We must pluck up courage to act – the courage to come together and save our land from total annihilation. The courage to act without bloodbath, the courage to act intelligently. Let us come together, to fan the embers of unity and awaken the dying fire of love, peace and unity. Let us avoid hatred, acrimony and resentment. Let us come together and make our nation stronger so that unborn generations would be proud of us. Let us not despair for there is hope, hope to reshape our country.

As I write this piece, it is comforting to know that in the midst of this gloomy scenario, there is still a handful of Nigerians – youth, boys and girls, men and women – who believe in the course we believe in, the course of due diligence, integrity and peace as opposed to war. For those who are ready, I say do not be deterred by the acts of those who have taken the way of guns and terrorism to avenge themselves of the system. I say don’t use brawn without brain. Embrace peace and tranquility.

Those milking our national resources are merely milking misery and bitterness for themselves. Let us be wary of those who use us during election campaigns and abandon us afterward, let us be wise and not deceived any longer. If in your heart, you love your children, wife, parents, it is time to stop the bloodbath, and demand discipline, good character and moral rectitude from public office holders. Let us come together and save our land from extinction. Let us fight for a new Nigeria. A country we can proudly call our own – a united Nigeria where youth are given a chance to rule, where resources are equitably distributed, where the generations to come are guaranteed a bright future.

Let us do away with tribalism, nepotism, favouritism, hatred, intolerance and greed. Let us fight a common fight. Let us think of creating sound values, values that will outlive us, pursuing a common goal where our hearts, souls and minds are inseparable.
Let us say no to the looters.
Let us say no to the legal system abetting these vices.
And say yes, to all those who support the fight against social ills.

Article by: Olusanya Anjorin 2017
• Anjorin lives in Lagos.

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